Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

Virtual Simulator
Shoreline management
Climate change
Flood risk
Erosion risk

Cómo citar

A NEW WAY OF ENGAGING COASTAL STAKEHOLDERS: COASTRANGER MS. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), management.52. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v32.management.52


The management of coastal change involves a range of stakeholders, ranging from local residents to government officials, whose backgrounds and expertise differ widely. It is necessary that these stakeholders understand the nature of future coastal changes and their potential impacts. This paper describes an innovative approach that has been developed to stimulate public debate and improve stakeholder understanding of the issues that need to be balanced in order to achieve sustainable long term coastal management solutions. The approach involves the creation of an educational tool (CoastRanger MS) that allows users to manage a virtual coast within a pc-gaming type environment.
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CIWEM, 2006. Taking managed realignment forward as a policy option for coastal management in England and Wales. A CIWEM briefing report. October 2006. 24pp. Available online at www.ciwem.org/resources/ciwem_briefingreport_managementrealignment.doc.

CoastRanger MS, 2009. Software Version 1.0. Document Revision 1.0, February 2009. For further information contact Nigel Pontee at Halcrow, ponteeni@halcrow.com or visit website: http://www.discoverysoftware.co.uk/CoastRangerMS.htm

Defra, 2005. Making Space for Water: Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management Innovation Fund. Project description available online at: http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/flooding/risk/innovation/index.htm

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