Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


caisson breakwater
incomplete armour

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MODIFIED GODA FORMULA TO SIMULATE SLIDING OF COMPOSITE CAISSON BREAKWATER. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), structures.47.


Caisson breakwaters can continue to maintain their function if a limited amount of sliding or tilting occurs. Although this has been the focus of much research during the last years, little attention has been paid to the design of composite caisson breakwaters (i.e. caissons protected with armour layers). The present paper outlines laboratory experiments that were carried out to propose a modification of the Goda formula (1974) that takes into account the increased pressures that can be exerted by waves due incomplete armour layers at the seaside face of the caisson. The effect that this modification can have on the expected deformations in the rubble mound after one storm are also evaluated by means of a Monte Carlo Simulation, showing how incomplete armour layers will result in much greater expected vertical movements in the caisson.


Esteban, M., and Shibayama, T. (2006). "Laboratory Study on the Progression of Damage on Caisson Breakwaters Under Impact Waves." Techno-Ocean/19th JASNAOE Ocean Engineering Symposium, Kobe.

Esteban, M., Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. (2007a). Improvement in Calculation of Resistance Force on Caisson Sliding due to Tilting. Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 49, No.4 (2007) pp 417-441

Esteban, M., Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. (2007b). Evaluation of the Active Depth of Foundations Under a Caisson Breakwater Subjected to Impact Waves. Coastal Structures 2007 International Conference, Venice

Esteban M. and Shibayama T. (2008) Computational Estimation of Caisson Sliding and Tilting of Susami West Breakwater due to Typhoon Tokage, 33rd Annual Journal of Civil Engineering in the Ocean, JSCE, Japan.

Esteban M., Takagi H. and Shibayama T. (2009) Modification of the Goda Formula to Evaluate the Movement of a Caisson Breakwater Protected by Failed Armour, Proc. Of Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2009, 16-18 Sept, Edinburgh, UK.

Goda, Y. (1974). New wave pressure formulae for composite breakwater, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Copenhagen, ASCE, pp.1702-1720.

Goda, Y. (1985). Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures. University of Tokyo Press.

Goda, Y. (1999). Wave Actions and Damage on Maritime Structures, Lecture Note at DHL-JICA Seminar, Ankara, Turkey.


Kim, T.M., Takayama, T. (2003). Computational Improvement for Expected Sliding Distance of a Caisson-Type Breakwater by Introduction of a Doubly-Truncated Normal Distribution, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol.45, No.3 (2003) 387-419.

Kim, T.M., Yasuda, T., Mase, H. & Takayama, T. (2005) Computational Analysis of Caisson Sliding Distance Due to Typhoon Tokage, Asian and Pacific Coasts Conference 2005, pp 565-576.

Kim, T.M., Takayama, T. & Miyawaki, Y. (2004) Laboratory Experiments on the Sliding Distance and Tilting Angle of a Caisson Breakwater Subject to Wave Impact, Proc. 29th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., ASCE, pp 3762-3773.

PROVERBS (1996-1999). Various authors. Commission of the European Union (EU): Probabilistic Design Tools for Vertical Breakwaters (PROVERBS) - concept paper 1996-1999; MAST contract MAS3-CT95-0041; Leichtweiss Institut fur Wasserbau, Braunschweig, 1999

Shimosako, K., and Takahashi, S. (1998). Reliability design method of composite breakwater using expected sliding distance. Report of the Port and Harbour Research Institute 37, 3, pp. 3-30 (in Japanese)Losada, Spain, Balkemare, pp. 363-371.

Shimosako, K., and Takahashi, S. (1999). Application of deformation-based reliability design for coastal structures -Expected sliding distance method of composite breakwaters -. Coastal Structures '99, ed. I.J. Losada, Spain, Balkemare, pp. 363-371.

Shimosako, K. & Takahashi, S. (2000). Application of Expected Sliding Distance Method for Composite Breakwaters Design, Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., ASCE, pp 1885-1898.

Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. (2006). A new approach on performance-based design of caisson breakwater in deep water, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol.53, pp.901-905 (in Japanese)

Takagi, H., Esteban, M. and Shibayama, T. (2008). Proposed methodology for evaluating the potential failure risk for existing caisson breakwaters in a storm event using a level 3 reliability based approach. Proc. of 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2008), Hanover, Germany.

Takahashi,S., Tanimoto, K. & Shimosako, K. (1994) A Proposal of Impulsive Pressure Coefficient for Design of Composite Breakwaters, Proc. of the International Conference of Hydro-Technical Engineering for Port and Harbour Construction:489-504


Tanimoto, K., K. Furakawa and H. Nakamura (1996). Hydraulic resistant force and sliding distance model at sliding of a vertical caisson, Proc. Coastal Engineering, JSCE 43:846-850 (in Japanese).

Van der Meer, J.W. (1988). Deterministic and Probabilistic design of a breakwater armour layers. J. Waterway Port Coastal Ocean Eng. ASCE, 114, 1, pp 66-80.ternational Conference on Hydro-Technical Engineering for Port and Harbour Construction, Yokosuka, Japan, 438-457.

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