Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


tidal prism
water exchange
Fangcheng bay

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PHYSICAL MODEL EXPERIMENTS ON RECLAMATION PROJECT OF FANGCHENG PORT. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.80.


Tidal flat reclamation works is an effective way to relieve the contradiction between supply and demand of land in the coastal region. The reclamation project in the bay will decrease tidal current velocities, change tidal currents field, then slowdown the water exchange in the bay ,which will influence water quality in the bay and increase sediment deposit at navigation channels. To study impacts of hydrodynamic environmental and sediment movement due to reclamation projects in Fangcheng Port, the physical model for tide-current and sediment was constructed in NHRI. The horizontal scale and vertical scale of the Fangcheng Port model is 1/660 and 1/100 respectively. The siltation in the bay and channels mainly caused by suspended load transport under the action of tidal currents and waves.The ability of water exchange in the bay is discussed by simulating sewage diffusion characteristics before and after reclamation projects in the bay. The physical model test results are shown the total tidal volume is decreased by 20% after the reclamation plan, of which 17.5% reduction in the East Bay, 2.5% in West Bay. The tidal currents field in the channel are discussed. The sedimentation rate increases 3-10cm/a in navigation channels and basins of Fangcheng Port.


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