Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


Long-term approach
morphodynamic processes
cohesive sediments
storm surge barriers
suspended sediment influx

How to Cite

LONG-TERM APPROACH FOR MORPHODYNAMIC PROCESSES IN TIDAL MARSH-WATERCOURSES. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.71. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v32.sediment.71


Tidal marsh-watercourses form a significant link between marine and fluvial environment. As consequence bi-directional forces due to asymmetric tides and inland runoff deform morphodynamic processes with presence of cohesive and organic sediment. In combination with the high inter-tidal area proportion and additional anthropogenic deformations special requirements for the long-term approach restrict existing methods. This paper exposes significant processes in tidal marsh-watercourses based on a research study. The identified processes were integrated into a specified long-term approach taking these special requirements into account. By using a numerical model the range of uncertainty for different impacts were considered and results in a long-term riverbed evolution.


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