ICCE 2022

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ESTIMATING SEDIMENT GENERATION FROM ROCK CONSTRUCTION WORKS. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, papers.31.


The dispersal of fine sediments into receiving waters from dredging and disposal associated with major port developments, and the modelling of these, is often a major focus of the environmental approval process for the construction of these works. An aspect that is often overlooked in the environmental assessment of these works is the generation of sediment sourced directly from the construction materials used for breakwater and revetment construction. While fine sediment generation from dredging and offshore sediment disposal is often well documented, there is little guidance or research that has been undertaken in quantifying the direct generation of sediment from the placement of rock armour. This paper demonstrates a method applied to a construction project at Eastland Port NZ to quantify the generation and dispersal of construction-generated fine sediments.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Christopher Adamantidis, Colin Thomas, Alexis Berthot, Mariana Cussioli, Martin Bayley, Peter Carlyle