ICCE 2022

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BERM MIGRATION UNDER SCALED STORM EVENTS. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, structures.53.


Berms are one of the natural barriers protecting beaches from wave action and are the first intermittently exposed coastal feature to experience hydrodynamic forcing. Berms erode when storm activity mobilizes sediment offshore or carries it onshore through overwash. However, berm response under varied storm conditions requires further study. Pore water pressure response has been shown to potentially impact beach erosion (Stark, 2022). The infiltration from wave runup followed by exfiltration from rundown destabilize the sediment bed resulting in particle motion. Wave runup increases bed shear stress (Sumer, 2011), and horizontal pressure gradients have been shown to mobilize sediment in the surf zone (e.g. Anderson, 2017). Erosion occurs from numerous physical processes acting together to mobilize the sediment. This study aims to identify these physical processes and berm response for variety of scaled storm sequences.


Anderson, et al. (2017): Observations of wave-induced pore pressure gradients and bed level response on a surf zone sandbar, Journal of Geophysical Research, AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, vol 122, pg. 5169– 5193.

Stark, et al. (2022): Vertical pore pressure variations and geotechnical sediment properties at a sandy beach, Coastal Engineering, ELSEVIER, vol. 172, article 104058

Sumer, et al. (2011): Flow and sediment transport induced by a plunging solitary wave, Journal of Geophysical Research, AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION vol. 116, C01008.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Emily Chapman, Manoj K. Gangadharan, Temitope Idowu, Jack A. Puleo