Many studies in present years have been conducted to predict the effects of changes in the upstream discharge, hydrodynamics, and saline intrusion in the coastal of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) (Smajgl et al., 2015; T. Van et al., 2013); however, the models for the entire delta did not show detail for small areas such as the Ca Mau Peninsula, and other studies were only considered in upstream flooding condition such as the Long Xuyen Quadrangle (Nguyen et al., 2012; T. Van et al., 2013). Besides, several study were using hydraulic models for the whole VMD region; Nevertheless, these studies were only interested in major river systems that applied the Mike 11 salt simulation model for the VMD region. Some hydraulic studies were simulated in specific region such as Long Xuyen Quadrangle. However, a few studies have focused on a complex river system such as Quan Lo Phung Hiep (QLPH) area of the Ca Mau peninsula, which is characterized by a complex river system, inter-regional irrigation works, and a variety of water demands, including marine, brackish, and freshwater-based agriculture. However, coastal studies, particularly those of an inter-regional character with complicated river networks like the QLPH, have received little attention. As a result, this research was carried out to assess the hydrodynamics and saline intrusions of the interwoven river network's coastal area, a complex operating system in a large area affected by both tidal regimes in the West and East Sea, which is characteristic of the Mekong Delta.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 ThiNgocThuan Phan, TrungNguyen Ly, PhamDangTri Van