Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


morphodynmic modeling
cohesive sediment transport
initial grain size distribution

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MEDIUM-TERM MORPHODYNAMIC MODELING OF MIXED MUD AND SAND IN THE. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.65.


A morphodynamic model for the Jadebusen basin based on the current DELFT3D model is established. With morphological information such as qualitative measurements of SPM-concentration (Suspended Particular Matter) and bottom change estimates as well as detailed surveys of a sand pit refilling process the model parameters for cohesive transport (Partheniades 1965) are calibrated. Within a period of 8 month, which is condensed to a representative period of 28 days for the modeling, almost 45% of the initial pit volume was refilled with mud. Despite the lack of specific field measurements a setup of mud transport parameters can be defined, which allows further investigations of sand pit locations in the Jadebusen basin. On major outcome is that critical erosion shear stresses for mud should be spatially varied in order to account for the different consolidation states of the mud fraction. Furthermore the paper addresses the problem of the initial grain size distribution for graded sediment transport. Wadden flat types are characterized based on aerial observations which build the underlying information for a relocation model run.


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