Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Hurricane Ike
coastal management
storm surge

Cómo citar

IMMEDIATE IMPACTS OF HURRICANE IKE ON THE TEXAS COAST. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), management.14.


Hurricane Ike was a large storm as it crossed the Gulf of Mexico. When it entered into Texas it caused a storm surge of up to 4 m and substantial waves with high winds represented by a Category 2 hurricane. The storm caused extensive flooding and erosion which led to significant property damage on Boliver Peninsula and on Galveston Island. COPRI (Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute) of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) sponsored a team of engineers and scientists to observe the coast and collect perishable data approximately one month after the storm. One of the main conclusions from the inspection of buildings was that elevation was a key determinant for survival. Members of the team returned for another visit approximately one year later to observe how the recovery had progressed. Those observations show some redevelopment but also some serious flaws in the coastal management implementation.
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Spadoni, R.H., 1996. "Nourishment of the Beach in Galveston, Texas", Houston Geological Society Bulletin, April 1996.

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