Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


2-D numerical wave flume
CIP method
CIP-CSL2 method
extended SMAC method
non-reflective wave generator
Bingham fluid

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2-D NUMERICAL WAVE FLUME WITH SOLID-GAS-LIQUID INTERACTION AND ITS APPLICATION. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), waves.1. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v32.waves.1


A 2-D numerical wave flume based on a multiphase flow model with solid-gas-liquid interaction is presented in this paper. The governing equations are divided into an advection step and a non-advection step by making use of a time splitting method. A CIP method is used to calculate the hyperbolic equations for velocity and pressure at the advection step, while equations at the non-advection step are solved with an extended SMAC method. Conservation equation of mass is directly solved by using a CIP-CSL2 method. A non-reflective wave generator employing a source/sink method for wave generation and an energy dissipation zone are utilized to realize the numerical wave flume. Besides, the constitutive laws of the non-Newtonian fluid are taken into account to make the model capable of simulating the behavior of Bingham fluid. The validity and utility of the numerical wave flume are demonstrated by applying it to wave breaking and post-breaking wave deformation on the slope, the dynamic motion of a floating body under wave action and the collapse of the Bingham fluid column with multiple rigid bodies.


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