Complete Proceedings - Single PDF Download



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Complete Proceedings - Single PDF Download. (1964). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(9), all.


At the suggestion of the late Professor Boris A. Bakhmeteff, the Council on Wave Research was formed in 1950 under the Engineering Foundation. At intervals thereafter the Council has co-sponsored with various societies, universities, and governmental agencies throughout the world several international conferences on coastal engineering. The purpose of these conferences has been to bring together both engineers and scientists of many disciples for an exchange of information and thereby delineate fruitful research areas in the general field of coastal engineering. In 1964 the Council on Wave Research transferred its activities to the American Society of Civil Engineers and became the Coastal Engineering Research Council. Thus, the Ninth Conference on Coastal Engineering was cosponsored by this new Council and the Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil in Lisbon, Portugal.
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