
ship waves
navigation channels
model studies

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SHIP WAVES IN NAVIGATION CHANNELS. (1957). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(6), 40.


Ships moving through water generate surface waves which in many navigation channels cause severe wave-wash damage to the bank* In some waterways, rather extensive protection works have been constructed to reduce this destructive action to levee faces (Hertzberg, 1954). This action, termed "foreshore erosion", has been described by Lewis (1956) for the lower Mississippi River as follows: "The attack, interestingly enough, takes place at lowwater . It is due largely to the waves created by passing ocean-going ships and is augmented by shallow draft traffic. It may be asked at this point why this attack is new, in view of the fact that ship and barge traffic has long existed on the river in very substantial volume? The answer is that the recent technological advances in ocean-going and river transportation have greatly increased maximum and average speeds, and accordingly, the wave making potentials."
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