
Dubai Creek
creek entrance

How to Cite

DUBAI CREEK ENTRANCE. (1968). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(11), 79.


The paper describes the works carried out to improve and stabilise the entrance to the Creek at Dubai. The Creek which is about eight miles long discharges through a heavily charged littoral zone m which large volumes of sand are transported across the entrance from west to east. The works were required urgently and this coupled with financial restrictions prevented a study of the problem on an hydraulic model or the collection of comprehensive site information before construction of the work commenced. In the event the works were carried out in stages - succeeding stages being planned and designed after the effects of the previous stages on the regime had been established. The paper presents the results which were achieved using the prototype as a model and traces the effect of each stage on the Creek and littoral regimes from the commencement of the works.
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