
sea wall
sea wall design

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RESEARCHES ON SEA-WALLS. (1970). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(12), 88.


In the recent decade, very wide areas of sea where the depths of water are from several meters to ten meters or more during storms have been reclaimed for industrial firms and port facilities in many places in Japan As the incident wave energy in such cases is very large at the sea-walls, the protection of the reclaimed lands from wave overtopping by the conventional sea-walls of vertical type or composite-slope«and-berai type is generally impossible from an economical point of view In Japan a special type of sea-wall, which is of such a type that a rubble-mound covered with specially shaped precast concrete armor blocks is built in front of the sea-wall to absorb most of the incident wave energy, has been constructed to protect the reclaimed lands from wave overtopping Most of the seawalls have been proved satisfactory after passing of typhoons over or near the sea-walls The design of the sea-walls is presented here in by showing the comparisons between the experiments and prototypes during typhoons.
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