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STORM SURGE EFFECTS AT LEIXOES. (1974). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(14), 3.


In this paper, the effects of a storm surge that happened on the 16th-17th January 1973 in the harbour of Leixoes are analysed and described. These effects were of two types: - As the storm surge coincided with a spring tide and rough seas, severe damages occurred in the outer breakwater, mainly in its head. - Associated to the storm surge range phenomena happened in the nS 2 dock; these movements, acting on a ship berthed in a nodal zone, caused several breakings in the ropes and damages in harbour structures. The characteristics of the storm surge and of the waves are analysed. Their effects on the breakwater are described. By comparing the periods of long waves observed in the tide records with the resonance periods of the inner docks it was possible to conclude that the intensity of the range phenomena observed was due to a half wave length resonance. Having in mind the affinities with the phenomena referred to above, the effects of range action in an oil terminal and new damages in the outer breakwater, that occurred in January and February 1974 respectively, are also briefly examined.
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