
floating breakwater
breakwater performance

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FLOATING BREAKWATER PERFORMANCE. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 158. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v15.158


The Pacific Northwestern United States contains large areas of protected waters with abundant recreational boating opportunities. The area also supports many commercial fishermen who use small boats in their fishing operations . As a result, there is a large demand for sheltered moorage for all these vessels. Traditionally, this demand has been accommodated by constructing rubble-mound breakwaters for marina protection. At present, most of the sites where rubble-mound breakwater construction is economically feasible have been used. Conditions at many of the remaining areas"for marina development are unsuitable for traditional techniques of marina construction. In general, the cost is too great because the water is too deep, or the environmental degradation resulting from marina development is unacceptable. To satisfy the demand for moorage, while at the same time overcoming the other restrictions, floating breakwaters have been employed at many new marina facilities. In order to optimize the configuration of floating breakwaters and to overcome the problems which have been encountered with their use, the University of Washington has undertaken a continuing program of research. The aim of this research has been to monitor the performance of existing breakwaters and to develop a theoretical model to predict performance. Using the theoretical model supplemented with appropriate model-scale tests, a series of parametric variations will be tested to determine the effects of these variations on breakwater performance. At present, several comparisons of the theory with model tests and full-scale performance have been reported by Adee (1975a, 1975b, 1976). This report is a continuation of this effort incorporating data obtained at the Friday Harbor, Washington floating breakwater.
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