
barge harbor
probably utilization level

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PROBABLE UTILIZATION LEVEL FOR A BARGE HARBOR. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 204.


The main consideration in harbor master planning is to maximize the amount of time that the harbor can be used. The potential level of harbor utilization can be evaluated by analyzing vessel performance during harbor operations in terms of the range of imposed environmental conditions. The harbor utilization level is expressed statistically as the probable amount of time that the harbor can be used as planned. In this paper, a siting study for a towboat-barge harbor will be described. This example will demonstrate the use of harbor utilization statistics for a simplified case of a single-purpose harbor and a single design vessel. This scheme can be applied to more complex cases of multipurpose harbors used by a variety of vessels. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it outlines the basic concept of harbor utilization statistics and their value to harbor master planning. While it seems that studies of this type would have been undertaken in the past, at present no examples have been found by the authors among published literature. Secondly, considering the lack of published information, it is beneficial to record some practical experience regarding towboat and barge systems as design vessels.
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