
tidal sedimentation
Gros-Cacouna Harbor

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TIDAL SEDIMENTATION IN GROS-CACOUNA HARBOR. (1978). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(16), 120. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v16.120


The harbor of Gros-Cacouna on the South shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary has been silting at the rate of 31 cm/yr. since it was dredged at the depth of 14 meters in 1968. Measurements of temperature, salinity, turbidity, current speed and direction were carried out as well as bottom sampling and reflection seismic profiling. A model of suspended sediment transport combines the tidal volumes and the current profiles at the harbor entrance. During a period of high turbidity (Spring) in the St.Lawrence Estuary, 54.2 tons of suspended sediments entered the harbor during the flood phase, while 41.1 tons were carried out during the ebb phase of a semi-diurnal tide, leaving 13.1 tons of sediments in the harbor. The transfer coefficient is 0.24 indicating that one quarter of the suspended sediment load settles in the harbor during one tidal cycle. In September, the turbidity is low in the Estuary and the suspended sediment budget in the harbor is 4 times smaller but the ratio of deposited sediments versus the total quantity of sediments transported in suspension is the same.
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