
beach nourishment
economic benefits of nourishment

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REALISTIC ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM BEACH NOURISHMENT. (1988). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(21), 116.


A method is presented and Illustrated with examples to establish appropriate storm damage reduction and recreational benefits from beach nourishment projects. Unlike previous methods, benefits to project adjacent areas are recognized due to sand transport out of the project area and deposition on adjacent beaches. Assuming homogeniety along the shoreline, the character of storm damage reduction and recreational benefit relationships are such that sand transported from a project area and deposited on adjacent beaches always results in an increase rather than a reduction in benefits. A central element in calculating storm damage reduction benefits is the establishment of a proportional damage curve for upland structures as a function of beach width and storm return period. To illustrate the method, limiting cases are presented in which (A) all sediment remains within the area placed, and (B) all sediment spreads out immediately over a long segment of shoreline. Using Monte Carlo simulation to represent the random character of the storms, the method is applied to 15 realistic cases with varying project lengths, representative wave heights, added beach widths and interest rates. The present worth storm damage reduction and recreational benefits are calculated to demonstrate the effects of the various parameters. It is found that for short project lengths and relatively large wave heights, the benefits from project adjacent areas exceed those in the project area where the sand is placed. Although no littoral control structures, such as jetties are included in the present application, the method could be extended readily to include their effects.
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