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Oil-spill modeling
finite-volume method
oil particles
unstructured grid

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AN INTEGRATED MODELING APPROACH FOR SIMULATING OIL SPILL AT THE STRAIT OF BOHAI SEA. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.33.


A three-dimensional integrated model is developed for simulating oil spills transport and fate in seas. The model contains two main modules, flow and transport-fate module. The transport module uses an unstructured finite volume wave-current coupling model, giving a more accurate result compared to structured model, especially for a region has a complex coastline. In the transport-fate module the oil dispersion is solved using a particle-tracking method. Horizontal diffusion is simulated using a random walk techniques in a Monte Carlo framework while vertical diffusion process is solved based on the Langeven equation. The model simulates the most significant processes which affect the motion of oil particles, such as: advection, surface spreading, evaporation, dissolution, emulsification, and turbulent diffusion, the interaction of the oil particles with the shoreline, sedimentation and the temporal variations of oil viscosity, density, and surface-tension. This model has been applied to simulate the oil spill accident at the strait of Bohai Sea. In comparison with the observations, the numerical results indicate that the model is reasonably accurate.


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