ICCE 2012 Cover Image


mound breakwater
concrete armor unit
stability coefficient
global safety factor

How to Cite

KD AND SAFETY FACTORS OF CONCRETE ARMOR UNITS. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.29. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.structures.29


Recommended design KD are associated to implicit global safety factors to Initiation of Damage (IDa) and Initiation of Destruction (IDe). Zero-damage criterion is valid for double-layer armors of massive CAUs, but single-layer armors require a lower-than-zero damage criterion. A simple methodology is proposed to calculate design KD for Cubipod armors and to obtain reasonable explicit global safety factors to IDe and IDa when compared to benchmark CAUs. The stringent SF(IDe5%) is the lowest for double-layer trunk armors, higher for double-layer roundhead armors and the highest for single-layer trunk armors. Single-layer roundhead armors were not analyzed.


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