ICCE 2012 Cover Image


directional wave spectra
video images

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APPLICATION OF VIDEO IMAGES FOR MONITORING COASTAL ZONE IN HASAKI BEACH, JAPAN. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.43.


The video image analysis methods are used for monitoring the phenomena at the coastal zone. A digital video camera which is mounted in the HORS research building is used to estimate directional wave spectra and bathymetry in shallow water areas. The Bayesian Directional Method is used to estimate directional wave spectra using the group of pixels brightness and non-linear bathymetry inversion is used to estimate shallow water bathymetry using time series of pixel brightness intensity at cross-shore and longshore array. The results are compared with a numerical model and field measurements. The results indicate that video image data could be used to estimate bathymetry and directional wave spectra in shallow water areas.


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