A new maritime vertical structure was designed to improve the antireflective performance for wave reflection of wind waves and oscillations associated with intense storms, resonance waves in port basins, etc. Multiple unit chambers formed with long cell circuits (Medina et al., 2010) are responsible for the low frequency wave absorption that was studied through large-scale model testing.References
Garrido, J., D. Ponce, A. Berruguete, S. Martinez, J. Manuel, L. Fort, D. Yague, J.A. Gonzalez-Escriva, and J.R. Medina. 2010. Study of Reflection of New Low-Reflectivity Quay Wall Caisson, Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, 466-480.
Jarlan, G. E. 1961. A perforated vertical breakwater, The Dock and Harbour Authority, Vol. 21, nº486, 394-398.
Martinez, S., J. Manuel, D. Yague, J. Garrido, D. Ponce de Leon, A. Berruguete, J.A. Gonzalez-Escriva and J.R. Medina. 2010. Designing a New Low-Reflexivity Quay Wall Caisson, Proceedings of the 32 nd PIANC Congress, 949-963.
Medina, J.R., J.A. Gonzalez-Escriva, L. Fort, S. Martinez, D. Ponce de Leon, J. Manuel, D. Yague, J. Garrido and A. Berruguete. 2010. Vertical Maritime Structure with Multiple Chambers for Attenuation of Wave Reflection, International PCT/EP2010/068000, EPO, The Hague, 23 pp.