ICCE 2012 Cover Image


wave run-up
field measurements
shoreline modeling

How to Cite

Lo Re, C., Manno, G., Viviano, A., & Foti, E. (2012). FIELD RUN-UP MEASUREMENTS: CALIBRATION OF A PHYSICALLY BASED LAGRANGIAN SHORELINE MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), currents.21.


In the present contribution a measurement technique based on video imaging has been selected for the assessment of the maximum run-up. Such measurements have been used for the calibration of a numerical model and of an empirical formulation. The on-site run-up measurements have been carried out at "Lido Signorino† beach, near Marsala, Italy. The positions of the swash have been localized on a transect, normal to the shore, constituted by stakes placed at 0.5 m intervals each other. The video camera was placed orthogonally to the line of the stakes. For the numerical simulations a 1DH Boussinesq-type of model for breaking waves has been applied which takes into account the wave run-up by a Lagrangian shoreline model. In such simulations monochromatic waves have been propagated in a numerical flume having the same beach slope of the measured transect. The comparison between registered and estimated run-up have underlined an acceptable agreement. In particular, it has been obtained that the numerical model tends to underestimate the run-up, instead the applied empirical formula gives overestimated values.


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