The flow visualization technique was applied to the collision of two solitary waves propagating in the same and opposite directions. Measurements of the velocity and trajectory of the solitary waves were conducted using a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system consisting of an 8-W ND:YAG laser and a high-speed CCD camera. In the solitary- wave interaction tests, we set up three kinds of velocity fields-smaller, taller, and compound waves in the rear-end collision tests, and right-running, left-running, and colliding waves in the head-on collision tests. Instantaneous and spatial surface profiles were measured using the image thresholding method in which the boundary plane between the air and water can be detected as the interface having the maximum luminance value. The measured run-up elevation of the colliding wave was compared with the theoretical elevation using a third-order perturbation solution. Based on a Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm, the PIV result was applied to the particle tracking process that occurred in the two- dimensional plane.References
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