ICCE 2014 Cover Image


tidal turbine
three dimensional (3D)
numerical modelling

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3D NUMERICAL MODELLING OF LARGE SCALE IMPACTS OF TIDAL TURBINE ARRAYS USING AN OCEANOGRAPHIC MODEL. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.31. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.structures.31


It is still challenging to predict the effects of large scale tidal turbine arrays on its surrounding hydrodynamic environment and the sediment transport process, especially when a realistic method has yet to be fully developed for the representation of tidal stream device in the existing oceanographic models. Generally, the commonly used regional oceanographic models are developed for near-horizontal flows, which make them inappropriate to simulate the complex 3D flows around the tidal turbine structure directly. Therefore, the present study aims to develop a three-dimensional parameterization of a tidal turbine that can be used in a large scale oceanographic model, such as Finite-Volume, primitive equation Community Ocean Model (FVCOM). The additional retarding force method is extended in 3D flow conditions and applied in FVCOM to represent the tidal stream devices. Detailed laboratory measurements and computational fluid dynamics, CFD, calculated results are used to verify the model's accuracy in prediction of hydrodynamics around the devices.


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