The color sand tracing to investigate the characteristics of sand movement on the tidal flat (Rokujo-gata in Mikawa Bay, Japan) was conducted in the winter season. Field measurements of currents and water level were also conducted on the flat to grasp the driving factors of currents and sand movement. Currents on Rokujo-gata were affected by wind in alongshore direction which is the north-south direction, and by a tidal oscillation in cross-shore direction. In the winter season, the southward currents are dominant. However the strong northward currents are occasionally generated. It is supposed that these strong currents move sand actively on the tidal flat. The color sand was placed on Rokujo-gata. The sand tracing was conducted during 6 months by sand sampling at 18 locations in the tidal flat and color sand grain counting was also conducted. The color sand was scattered soon after the placement. However it was demonstrated that the color sand remained on the tidal flat even after 6 months.References
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