ICCE 2014 Cover Image


sediment spill
settling velocities
modelling of sediment spreading
light attenuation
ecological modelling

How to Cite

EIA FOR THE FEHMARNBELT CROSSING - THE WORLD’S LONGEST IMMERSED TUNNEL. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), management.47. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.management.47


An 18 km long immersed tunnel is going to be built between Denmark and Germany. The construction works include dredging for the tunnel trench and reclamation of areas in the coastal zone. The paper discusses the baseline conditions and the potential impacts on the aquatic environment of the dredging works. Focus is on sediment spill from the soil handling and methods to investigate the effects of additional turbidity in the water.


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FEHY (2013d). Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link EIA. Marine Water - Baseline. Hydrography of the Fehmarnbelt Area. Report no. E1TR0057 - Volume II. Report: 180 pages; Appendices: 33 pages

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