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Wind-wave modelling
Wave Energy Potential
Black Sea

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DETERMINATION OF WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL OF BLACK SEA. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), waves.6.


This study aims to assess wave energy potential and its long-term spatial and temporal characteristics in the Black Sea within the TUBITAK research project (Akpınar et al., 2015). With this purpose, a wave model (SWAN model version 41.01 driven by the CFSR winds) over the entire Black Sea was constructed. The model was calibrated using buoy data from 1996 at three offshore locations (Gelendzhik, Hopa, and Sinop) obtained within NATO TU-WAVES Project. The calibrated model was also validated using buoy data unused in calibration at five locations (Gelendzhik, Hopa, Gloria, Filyos, and Karaburun). Using this model a database including many of integral wave parameters (such as Hm0, Tm-10 etc.) was produced. Long-term variability of wave energy in the Black Sea basin over a period of 31 years was determined. Finally, hot-spot areas for harvesting wave energy in the Black Sea were identified.


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