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tidal channel morphodynamics
offshore plume
numerical modelling

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This contribution investigates the morphodynamic equilibrium of a funnel-shaped, well-mixed tidal channel taking into account the existing dynamical coupling between the tidal channel itself and the related offshore sediment-laden plume. We use a quasi two-dimensional numerical model that resolves the fully nonlinear unsteady shallow water, sediment bed load transport and suspended sediment advection-diffusion equations along with the Exner equation for the bathymetric changes. We close this model by including a dynamic boundary condition at the channel mouth that transfers the offshore plume sediment concentration to the channel dynamics. This model reveals that the offshore plume reduces the timescales to reach equilibrium of the channel and plays a crucial role on shaping it. At equilibrium, the non-plume influence case attains a quasi-linear profile of constant slope in the seaward part. However, the bottom profile in the case that includes the offshore plume tends to increase the concavity of the bottom profile, reducing the final channel mouth depth. Finally, numerical results suggest that the plume characteristics are altered as a consequence of tidal channel evolution.


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