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TSUNAMI SHELF RESONANCE ALONG THE NORTHERN CHILE COAST. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), management.3. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v35.management.3


This work presents the analysis of resonance in two of the main cities along the northern coast of Chile, where a large tsunamigenic potential remains despite recent earthquakes. By combining a modal analysis solving the theory of free and forced oscillations, with the analysis of background spectra derived from in situ measurements, the spatial and temporal structure of the modes are recovered. Comparison with spectra from three tsunamis of different characteristics shows that the modes found have been excited by past events. Moreover, a difference in the overall response between locations is found. Arica is more sensitive to the characteristics of the tsunami source, whereas Iquique shows a smaller dependency. Results are further contrasted with other methodologies with good agreement. These findings are relevant in characterizing the tsunami hazard in the area, and the methodology can be further extended to other areas along the Chilean coast.


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