ICCE 2016 Cover Image


wave forecast
geographical shift
wave climate
wave data
significant wave height
fetch length
time series
sea condition
limited or fully arisen
virtual buoy

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GEOGRAPHICAL SHIFTING OF DEEP WATER WAVE DATA BASED ON JONSWAP METHOD. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), waves.28.


The present paper proposes a new method to increase the number of sources of meteo marine information for the analysis of professionals and researchers in coastal and offshore engineering. The new method is mainly based on the actual geographical distance between a real and a virtual buoy and the dependence of the sea states on the characteristics of the wave development conditions; in fact, it mainly depends on the effective positions of the two locations, their geometric distance apart, and on the difference between the exposure of the point where the virtual buoy has to be located (S) with respect to the point of direct observation (O). It offers advantages compared to the traditional methods currently used; in fact, among the others, it is suitable for any sea condition: duration/fetch limited or fully arisen sea. The proposed method has been verified using data from buoys of the Mediterranean Sea (Italian and Spanish) and of the Atlantic Sea (Spanish) under different sea conditions. In particular, the time-series with a variable duration from a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 7 years have been adopted. Use of the model is presently limited to deep water conditions. The verification, conducted without the need for any calibration, resulted positive.


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