ICCE 2016 Cover Image


revetment slope
permeable polyurethane cover
wave run-up
water filtration
numerical modelling
large-scale tests comparison

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NUMERICAL STUDY OF WAVE RUN-UP AT PERMEABLE FIXED REVETMENT SLOPE. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), structures.32.


The numerical model of wave surface elevation and water filtration in the saturated-unsaturated porous medium is developed. The model uses to define the parameters of the wave run-up at the slope protected by the permeable fixed layer. The model shows the wave surface in the different times, including the wave run-up height at the slope and wave run-down. Also, the velocities in the upper protected layer as well in the soil body of the slope are defined. Model is verified with using of the published large-scale tests with the slopes protected by Elastocoast technology layers. The tests were carried out in the wave flume of Technical University Braunschweig. The numerical model may be applied to calculate the maximal waves run-up at the protected engineering and beach slopes in natural conditions.


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