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PREDICTING THE EVOLUTION OF COASTAL LOUISIANA’S BARRIER ISLANDS. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), sediment.15.


The Louisiana barrier islands are one of the outcomes of the Mississippi River outlet changing over the past several thousand years. It is the natural shifts in the river channel alignment interacting with the combination of anthropogenic impacts, sediment transport, and significant storm events that drive barrier island formation and subsequent erosion and migration. Predicting the evolution of Louisiana's barrier islands is a critical component of Louisiana's Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) program for restoring and sustaining their barrier islands. Both empirical and numerical modeling approaches, as well as hybrid modeling approaches, have been utilized for predicting morphologic changes over time. These predictions have been employed for the development of single-island restoration projects, and for the long-term basin-scale modeling completed for the 2017 Coastal Master Plan (CPRA, 2017) for which Coastal Engineering Consultants served on the barrier island modeling team.


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