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COASTAL BATHYMETRY FROM SATELLITE AND ITS USE ON COASTAL MODELLING. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), papers.98.


Offshore wind farms around the world are being developed with the objective of increasing the contribution of renewable energy to the global energy consumption. Bathymetric features at the wind farm sites have a strong influence on waves and currents, controlling the propagation and dissipation of flows during normal and extreme conditions. In this work we use a state-of-the-art cost-effective method for bathymetric mapping based on high resolution satellite images to characterize a coastal wind farm region and assess the added value of such data when performing wave modelling. The study area is characterized by the presence of offshore wind farms and a complex bathymetry that feature sand bars and channels. For this study, a satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) was produced using imagery from the Sentinel-2A satellite. The Sentinel-2a data allows for more detailed SDB retrieval than is available in the existing accessible bathymetric datasets. The data is then used in a spectral wave model (MIKE21SW) with different resolutions outlining the impact of large bedforms on surface waves, mainly due to wave breaking. The bathymetry data is also used in a phase-resolving model (MIKE3waveFM) where regular and irregular waves are simulated, outlining the impact of bedforms on individual wave dissipation. Discussion on the satellite derived bathymetry and wave models results are presented in this paper.


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