
borrow texture
beach fill
fill stability

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BEACH FILL STABILITY AND BORROW MATERIAL TEXTURE. (1974). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(14), 78.


The dependence of beach fill stability en the textural properties of borrow material requires development of quantitative methods for use in selection of borrow areas and in prediction of possible maintenance costs associated with periodic renourishment. If a shore segment is viewed as a sediment mass transfer system, where grains of different size have different transport rates, then termination of natural sediment input to the shore segment will cause the beach to retreat and the materials in the active zone will become coarser. The ratio of retreat rates associated with a given borrow material texture to that associated with native material can be used in optimizing economic factors involved in selection among potential borrow zones. With certain simplifying assumptions the relative retreat rate associated with a given borrow material texture can be predicted from observations of the modifications in textural properties of native material which occur during the eroding condition following termination of the natural supply of sediment. Further simplifying assumptions result in an analytical expression for relative retreat rates which may not require observations of the natural beach in the eroding condition. The proposed method is in substantial agreement with qualitative guidelines provided in the Shore Protection Manual [2].
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