
littoral processes
Campello Coasts

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LITTORAL PROCESSES IN CAMPELLO COASTS. (1982). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(18), 62.


The coasts of Campello (fig. 1), just at the North of Alicante, have undergone important erosions in the last few years. A study has been developed for over one year to separate seasonal and permanent variations of the shoreline. The geomorphology and the recent generation of these coasts have "been established and the study and wind wave regimes have heen defined to evaluate the littoral transports, particularly the longshore ones. The seasonal transverse 1 profiling nay show the seasonal changes in the littoral zone and the sieve and mineralogical analysis of the different samples of +he beaches have completed the data for the discussion. Taking into account other studies of the authors in other parts of the East and Southeast coasts of Spain, an hypothesis on the littoral processes has been established, separating the seasonal and the permanent and degradative consequences. Some recommendations to keep at least the present situation of the beaches and to protect the other stretches of the shore are presented as final conclusions.
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