
time scale
beach change
beach model

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TIME SCALE FOR MODELING BEACH CHANGE. (1986). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(20), 88. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v20.88


A time scale in the similarity of beach change between model and prototype in transitional beach processes from an initial even slope to an equilibrium is developed using a series of small- and large-scale experiments in which the experimental conditions were set up with the scale-model relationship by the authors (1984). The time scale is obtained empirically as a function of experimental scale. Applied the proposed time scale and the scale-model relationship to model experiments, similarity of morphological beach change such as shoreline change and relative breaker point was well reproduced within the allowable range of experimental error. A semi-theoretical time scale is obtained from the continuity equation, the sediment transport rate, and the scale-model relationship of equilibrium beach profile in two-dimensional beach change. The relation between experimental and semi-theoretical time scale is discussed.
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