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low-crested breakwater
rubble mound

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DAMAGE VARIATIONS ON LOW-CRESTED BREAKWATERS. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.14. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.structures.14


The cross-shore numerical model CSHORE extended to oblique waves is used to predict the spatial variation of damage on different sections of the trunk and head of a low-crested breakwater. The agreement is mostly within a factor of 2 but the model overpredicts damage on the back head of a submerged structure. An experiment was conducted in a wave flume for a low-crested stone structure located inside the surf zone on a sand beach. The model is shown to reproduce the measured cross-shore wave transformation on the beach without and with the structure as well as the measured small damage on the structure.


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