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the 2011 tsunami
topographical features

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BREACHING AND TSUNAMI WATER DRAINAGE AT OLD RIVER MOUTH LOCATIONS DURING THE 2011 TSUNAMI. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), currents.5.


This study investigated the effect of the past drainage system and river mouth to the return flow of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami at the Arahama Coast and the Akaiko Coast, Sendai, Japan. At both locations, there were old river mouths, which have been closed for many years. They used to be the down stream end of the past drainage system that was confirmed from historical map. Breaching occurred at the location of these old river mouths due to the strong return flow induced by the 2011 tsunami. A detail GIS analysis was carried out based on topographic data (DEM) to obtain the flow direction and accumulation. The results revealed that the topography appears as a river basin with mild slope towards the old river mouth locations. Analysis of the flow accumulation confirms that the topographical features caused the flow to accumulate through the past drainage system towards the location of the old river mouths, which caused the breaching due to the tsunami return flow. This allowed the return flow to be effectively drained.


Adityawan, M.B., Roh, M., Tanaka, H., Mano, A., and Udo, K. 2012. Investigation of tsunami propagation characteristics in river and on land induced by The Great East Japan Earthquake 2011, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 6, 1250033, 22 pages.

Adityawan, M.B., Dao, N.X., Tanaka, H., Mano, A., and Udo, K. 2014. Morphological changes along the Ishinomaki Coast induced by the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami and the relationship with coastal structures, Coastal Engineering Journal, 56(3), 1450016, 21 pages. (in press)

Dao, N.X., Adityawan, M.B., Tanaka, H., and Lin, P. 2013. Effectiveness of a shore-parallel canal to reduce tsunami impact, Proceedings of 34th IAHR World Congress, 1317.

Mori, N., Takahashi, T., and The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. 2012. Nationwide post event survey and analysis of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami. Coastal Engineering Journal, 54(1), 1250001, 27 pages.

Suppasri, A., Koshimura, S., Imai, K., Mas, E., Gokon, H., Muhari, A., and Imamura, F. 2012. Damage characteristic and field survey of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in Miyagi Prefecture, Coastal Engineering Journal, 54(1), 1250005, 30 pages.

Tanaka, H., Nguyen, X.T., Umeda, M., Hirao, R., Pradjoko, E., Mano, A. and Udo, K. 2012. Coastal and estuarine morphology changes induced the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami, Coastal Engineering Journal, 54(1), 1250010, 25 pages.

Tanaka, H., Adityawan, M., B., and Mano, A. 2014. Morphology change at the Nanakita River mouth after The Great East Japan Tsunami, Coastal Engineering, Vol. 86, 14-26.

Tappin, D.R., Evans, H. M., Jordan, C.J., Richmond, B., Sugawara, D., and Goto, K. 2012. Coastal changes in the Sendai area from the impact of the 2011 TÅhoku-oki tsunami: Interpretations of time series satellite images, helicopter-borne video footage and field observations. Sedimentary Geology, 282(30), 151-174.

Udo, K., Sugawara, D., Tanaka, H., Imai, K., and Mano, A. 2012. Impact of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami on beach morphology along the northern Sendai Coast, Coastal Engineering Journal, 54(1), 1250009, 15 pages.

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