ICCE 2014 Cover Image


wave effects
submarine pipelines
local scour
seabed interaction
equilibrium scour depth

How to Cite

TIME DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SCOUR DEPTH BELOW PIPELINES EXPOSED TO WAVES. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), posters.9. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.posters.9


In this study, local scour depths beneath the submarine pipelines, under the wave effect, were investigated experimentally in a time-dependent manner. In the experiments, three different diameter of pipe, three different size of bed materials and four different characteristics of wave were used. The experiments were conducted in a wave channel with dimension of 3.6 m wide, 1.2 m height and 33 m long. The channel is equipped with a regular wave maker on the offshore side, a wave absorber system at the end of the channel and high-precision measurement devices, which operate on the ultrasonic principle. Six ultrasonic transducers were installed into test pipe, has a length equal to the channel width, to record the temporal scour depths simultaneously. Extra one transducer is located offshore side of the test pipe to measure the horizontal component of water particle velocity at a level of pipe axis. The wave characteristics were determined using another ultrasonic device and its two sensors at different channel sections. The experimental measurements allowed us to determine all of the dimensionless parameters associated with the phenomenon. The time-dependent scour depth measurements were used both for modeling the development of the scour, and for obtaining the equilibrium scour depth. The experiments performed with the same non-cohesive bed material with different grain sizes, indicate that both Keulegan-Carpenter number and Shields parameters are effective in the variation of the scour depth.


Sumer, B. M., & Fredsoe, J. (2002). The mechanics of scour in the marine environment. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

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