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SPH method
non-linear shallow water equations
wave overtopping
coastal protection structure
sea level rise

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This paper evaluates the results of two fundamentally different numerical models: DualSPHysics and SWASH, which can be used to assess the ability of coastal defense structures to offset or mitigate the water overtopping and subsequent implications for expected future sea level rise. The models are open source implementations of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method and of a non-hydrostatic adaptation of the non-linear shallow water (NLSW) equations, respectively. The small-scale physical experiment of Stansby and Feng (2004) is used to validate and asses the performance of the two numerical models for the case of breaking monochromatic waves overtopping a coastal dike. Numerical and experimental time-histories of water surface elevation are quantitatively compared and numerical velocity fields during the processes of wave breaking and overtopping are analysed in detail. In addition, to further validate the DualSPHysics model, numerical experiments are performed considering the more realistic case of irregular waves using the SWASH model as benchmark. Overall, results provided by both numerical models are generally comparable, although some strengths and shortcomings of each are highlighted. These results can provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate model for a particular situation given specific accuracy requirements and availability of resources.


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