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wave overtopping
wave run-up
tolerable overtopping
overtopping volumes

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UPDATE OF THE EUROTOP MANUAL: NEW INSIGHTS ON WAVE OVERTOPPING. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), structures.40. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v35.structures.40


Quite some new insights on wave overtopping were achieved since the first submission of the EurOtop Manual in 2007, which have now resulted in a second edition of this Manual. A major improvement has been made on the understanding of wave by wave overtopping and tolerable wave overtopping that is connected to it. Many videos are available on the overtopping website that show all kind of overtopping discharges and volumes and may give guidance for the user of the Manual. The EurOtop Neural Network and the EurOtop database are improved and extended versions of the earlier NN and CLASH database. New insights and prediction formulae have been developed for very low freeboards; for very steep slopes up to vertical walls; for run-up on steep slopes; for overtopping on storm walls on a promenade; and for overtopping on vertical walls, where overtopping has been divided in situations with and without an influencing foreshore and where the first situation may be divided in non-impulsive and impulsive overtopping.


Allsop, N. W. H., Besley, P. & Madurini, L. 1995. Overtopping performance of vertical and composite breakwaters, seawalls and low reflection alternatives. Paper 4.7 in MCS Project Final Report, University of Hannover.

EurOtop. 2007. Wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures - Assessment Manual. UK: N.W.H. Allsop, T. Pullen, T. Bruce. NL: J.W. van der Meer. DE: H. Schuttrumpf, A. Kortenhaus. www.overtopping-manual.com.

EurOtop, 2016. Manual on wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures. An overtopping manual largely based on European research, but for worldwide application. Second Edition. Authors: J.W. van der Meer, N.W.H. Allsop, T. Bruce, J. DeRouck, A. Kortenhaus, T. Pullen, H. Schuttrumpf, P. Troch, and B. Zanuttigh. www.overtopping-manual.com.

Franco, L., de Gerloni, M. and Van der Meer, J.W. 1994. Wave overtopping on vertical and composite breakwaters. Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng, ASCE,1030-1044.

Van der Meer, J.W. and Bruce, T. 2014. New physical insights and design formulas on wave overtopping at sloping and vertical structures. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 140. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000221.

Van Doorslaer, K., De Rouck, J. and Van der Meer, J.W. 2016. The reduction of wave overtopping by means of a storm wall. Proc. 35th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng, ASCE.

Victor L. 2012. Optimization of the hydrodynamic performance of overtopping wave energy converters: experimental study of optimal geometry and probability distribution of overtopping volumes. PhD dissertation, Ghent University, Belgium.

Zannutigh, B., Formentin, S. and Van der Meer, J.W. 2016. Update of the Eurotop Neural Network tool: improved prediction of wave overtopping. Proc. 35th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng, ASCE.

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