ICCE 2016 Cover Image


Wave overtopping
reduction factor
wave wall
breaking waves
non-breaking waves
storm wall

How to Cite

THE REDUCTION OF WAVE OVERTOPPING BY MEANS OF A STORM WALL. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), structures.47.


A second edition of the EurOtop manual, a manual on wave overtopping of sea defenses and related structures, became available as pre-release in October 2016 on the website One of the improvements in this manual is based on the material in the current paper: how wave walls can reduce wave overtopping discharges. The base data set for the original advice in the previous EurOtop from 2007 is compared to the new developed procedures and new (unpublished) data collected in the wave flume of Ghent University. The comparative study shows that the differences are due to hydraulic differences in the test program. The original dataset from 1994 has tests with the still water level SWL both above and below the foot of the wall and was analyzed with an average slope analysis, where the UGent dataset only has tests with SWL below the foot of the wall and the small wall on top of the dike slope did not influence the average slope so that the actual slope could be used. The reduction factors deduced in analyzing the UGent datasets also work well for part of the original dataset, but not the other way around. The advice in the second edition of the EurOtop is thus to use the reduction factors by the UGent data analysis for wave walls above SWL, where the method proposed in the first edition can still be used for wave walls that have their foot below SWL. Both methodologies are explained in this paper.


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Van Doorslaer, K., De Rouck, J., Audenaert, S., Duquet, V., 2015. Crest modifications to reduce wave overtopping of non-breaking waves over a smooth dike slope. Elsevier, Journal of Coastal Engineering 101, pp. 69-88.

Victor, L., 2012. Optimization of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Overtopping Wave Energy Converters: Experimental Study of Optimal Geometry and Probability Distribution of Overtopping Volumes. PhD Manuscript, Ghent University.

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