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TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS IN MIXED-SAND-GRAVEL SEDIMENTS AT A STEEP, MEGA-TIDAL BEACH. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), sediment.59. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.sediment.59


The increasing urbanization of coastal regions makes beach erosion and coastline protection an important field of research (Elko et al., 2014). Excess pore pressures and pore pressure gradients in the soil matrix can impact sediment mobilization and erosion in terms of liquefaction (Sumer, 2014). Despite previous studies, there are still unsolved questions regarding coastal liquefaction due to wave action. Particularly, the role of groundwater dynamics, the impact of wave breaking, sediment reorganization, and potential air content represent unsolved problems. Furthermore, open questions still exist regarding the interaction and roles of excess pore pressure built-up, vertical pressure gradients and horizontal pressure gradients (Foster et al., 2006; Yeh and Mason, 2014; Sumer, 2014; Stark, 2017). We hypothesize that temperature variations may reveal complementary information with regard to pore water fluid behavior, such as pore space saturation, groundwater flows, exfiltration and infiltration processes, and impact of wave forcing. The study presented here shows some preliminary data sets of combined pore pressure and temperature recordings.


Elko, Feddersen, Foster, Hapke, McNinch, Mulligan, Raubenheimer (2014). The future of nearshore processes research. 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, OS22A-08.

Foster, Bowen, Holman, Natoo (2006). Field evidence of pressure gradient induced incipient motion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 111(C5).

Guest, Hay (2017). Vertical structure of pore pressure under surface gravity waves on a steep, megatidal, mixed sand†gravel†cobble beach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(1), 153-170.

Stark, Hay (2014). Pore water infiltration and drainage on a megatidal beach in relation to tide-and wave-forcing. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), 25.

Stark (2017). Pore pressure response to irregular waves at a sandy beach. Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, 409-417.

Sumer, (2014). Liquefaction Around Marine Structures:(With CD-ROM). World Scientific.

Yeh, Mason (2014). Sediment response to tsunami loading: mechanisms and estimates. Geotechnique, 64(2), 131-143.

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