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WAVE TRANSMISSION OVER LOW-CRESTED POROUS BREAKWATERS. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), waves.15. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.waves.15


Low-crested (LC) rubble mound breakwaters are used for coastal protection. The main advantage of these structures is their mild aesthetic impact on the natural environment. As the waves approach and transmit over these structures, significant hydrodynamic processes occur in their proximal area, such as wave breaking, wave reflection, wave overtopping and transmission (Garcia et al., 2004). Many researchers have studied the hydrodynamics of flow in the vicinity of such structures, as well as the influence of their geometrical characteristics on the flow field. However, in most studies, the structures are either emerged or submerged, while the case in which the crest level of the breakwaters is at the still water level (SWL) has to be further investigated.


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