ICCE 2022

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INFLUENCE OF EBB-DELTA DYNAMICS ON EVOLUTION OF INLET-INTERRUPTED COASTS. (2023). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37, management.116.


Shoreline variation along inlet-interrupted coasts in macro-time scales can be addressed as a sediment budget-related process, and it was first presented by Ranasinghe et al. (2013) as the Scale-aggregated Model for Inlet-interrupted Coasts (i.e., SMIC). This was further developed as the Generalised Scale-aggregated Model for Inlet-interrupted Coasts (i.e., G-SMIC) by Bamunawala et al. (2020a, 2020b, 2021). The G-SMIC is a fully probabilistic, generically applicable model that simulates the evolution of inlet-interrupted coasts under climate-change impacts and anthropogenic activities. However, G-SMIC does not consider any ebb-deltas in the vicinity of inlet-estuary systems. Thus, this study aims to include the ebb-delta dynamics into the G-SMIC so that its generic applicability would further increase.


Bamunawala, Dastgheib, Ranasinghe, van der Spek, Maskey, Murray, et al. (2020a). A Holistic Modeling Approach to Project the Evolution of Inlet-Interrupted Coastlines Over the 21st Century. Front Mar Sci 7, 542.

Bamunawala, Dastgheib, Ranasinghe, van der Spek, Maskey, Murray, et al. (2020b). Probabilistic Application of an Integrated Catchment-Estuary-Coastal System Model to Assess the Evolution of Inlet-Interrupted Coasts Over the 21st Century. Front Mar Sci 7, 1104.

Bamunawala, Ranasinghe, Dastgheib, Nicholls, Murray, Barnard, et al. (2021). Twenty-first-century projections of shoreline change along inlet-interrupted coastlines. Scientific Reports 11, 14038.

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Ranasinghe, Duong, Uhlenbrook, Roelvink, and Stive. (2013). Climate-change impact assessment for inletinterrupted coastlines. Nature Climate Change 3, 83–87.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Janaka Bamunawala, Roshanka Ranasinghe, Magnus Larson