
model waves
prototype wave

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A COMPARISON BETWEEN MODEL AND PROTOTYPE WAVES IN HARBOURS. (1978). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(16), 38. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v16.38


A common method of estimating the sheltering effects of different breakwater locations and layouts is to carry out physical model wave disturbance tests. Such tests have been carried out in different laboratories throughout the world for many years. But to our knowledge no reports are available in the literature showing comparison between model measurements and field measurements. The trend is that we know more and more on the wave cl imate along our coasts. Hence we have a better basis to make our economical calculations on breakwaters. We therefore also want to operate our models on a more absolute basis rather than on a comparative basis. The trend in recent years has also been to study breakwater locations and layouts in order to minimize mooring forces and ship movements. On this background VHL found a comparison between model test results and field measurements necessary. Full scale measurements of waves were carried out in two harbours by VHL during the winter 1976/77. This paper will present the results of the comparison of the model and the full scale measurements in Berlevag and Vard0 fishing harbours on the open coast of Finnmark in the northern part of Norway (Fig. I) . The model tests, as well as the full scale measurements, have been sponsored by the Norwegian State Harbour Authorities.
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