ICCE 2012 Cover Image


wind waves
Vortex Motion
Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Moving Least Square Method

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MEASUREMENTS OF VORTEX GENERATION AND MOTION AT WIND WAVE SURFACES. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), waves.28.


Vortices generated at water surface under wind wave condition are most important phenomena for mass exchange between atmosphere and ocean. To extract vortices from randomly distributed velocity vectors obtained by a PTV, a new method to accurately estimate vorticity is proposed. The proposed method uses the Moving Least Square method which has been developed for grid-less numerical simulation. The optimal size of fitting area is derived theoretically and is confirmed by Monte Carlo simulation. Comparison of the accuracy between the proposed method and the commonly used method shows the advantage of the proposed method. The developed method is applied to the measurements of vorticity near the wind wave interfaces. The results show the generation and movements of the vortices at water surfaces.


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