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impact induced pressure distribution
sea dikes

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DISTRIBUTION OF IMPACT INDUCED PRESSURES AT THE FACE OF UNIFORMLY SLOPED SEA DIKES: PRELIMINARY 2D EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.74. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.structures.74


Although existing knowledge on the vertical distribution of impact pressures on sea-dikes is well established only very little is known with respect to their horizontal distribution. A collaboration developed between the University of Southampton, Uk and FZK, Hannover looks in more detail at the distribution of pressures induced by waves breaking on the face of a sea-dike. For this, 2D large scale experiments with waves breaking on a 1:3 sea dike were conducted but instead of pressure transducers a tactile pressure sensor was used to map the impact pressures. Such sensors were initially used with breaking waves in the University of Southampton and their use for large scale experiments was attempted here for the first time. In the current paper the calibration and application of the tactile sensor for experiments involving up to 1m high and 8sec long waves are initially described. Preliminary results illustrating the simultaneous distribution of impact induced pressures over an area of 426.7x487.7mm are then presented. Based on these pressure maps the vertical and horizontal location of maximum breaking wave induced pressures is also deduced.


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